Pink #CC640 – Traditional
Pink #CC640 is aĀ warmĀ pink shade in our ColorClassics line.
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- Holds aĀ 4″ x 6″ photo or insertĀ (Image Area 3 7/16″ x 5 7/16″)Ā
- For use with both vertical and horizontal images
- Blank inside
- High-qualityĀ recycled textured paper
- Embossed border
- Made in the USA
- Finished card is 5″ x 7″, perfect for framing
- Photo slides and stays in place, no glue, no tape and no adhesive needed
- Rubber finger tips make inserting the photos easyĀ andĀ they are available in five different sizes.
Need clear cellophane bags? Find them here.
Please note: Actual colors may vary due to computer settings. If color is critical, we offerĀ swatch books, click here.